North Essex
Referrals Pathway Colchester – document showing correct referral methods for Colchester hospital.
Emergency Referrals – (link at the top HES details page) information about emergency referrals only, but to multiple eye departments.
There are numerous ISP’s across Essex. Details of all are gradually being updated here
Out of Area Referrals
If you have a patient with a GP in a specific ICB but they want to be seen in a hospital within a different ICB, can you ensure you refer via the patients GP. This also applies to patients who want to be seen at a hospital out of Essex.
List of GP details for North Essex
List of GP details for Suffolk region
Prescription list
A list of drops (including dry eye drops) that GP’s are allowed to prescribe in NE Essex NE Essex Prescription list
Service Restriction Policies
The following document lists the restriction policies issued by North East Essex and Suffolk CCGs. Please note the blepharoplasty, cataract, chalazia and thyroid eye disease sections. ICS Restriction Policies.
North Essex cataract policy
Please only send suspect wet AMD referrals to this address. Include VA’s, describe what was seen and ideally attach imaging. Use the Wet AMD Referral form.
Suspect Stroke Referrals to Colchester Hospital
Colchester Hospital will accept the following from Optical Practices:
- Transient Painless unilateral loss of vision (TIA/Amaurosis Fugax)
- New painless bilateral field defect
These can be sent directly to
Do not use the tiareferrals@ for the following:
- Unilateral visual field defect eg Retinal detachment – phone / eyereferuegent@
- Pain/redness/pupillary abnormalities Ongoing visual loss – phone / eyereferuegent@
- Features suggestive of Giant cell arteritis i.e. headache, jaw pain, scalp tenderness and visual loss – must go to A&E
- Systemic issues with visual symptoms – should be referred to acute care under A&E
- Syncopal symptoms where visual symptoms followed by loss of consciousness and patient remains symptomatic – refer to A&E
- Painful diplopia , red eye, ongoing deteriorating acute vision loss – phone / eyereferurgent