Clinical References

Essex LOC produced cribsheet with Guidance for Referrals for various conditions.  This is a guidance only and you should always refer in the best interest of the patient depending on the individual case and symptoms.
Orthoptic Referral Guidelines
College of Optometrists – Clinical Management Guidelines

NICE Flashes & Floaters guidelines:
Some local guidance on Flashes & Floaters for MECS scheme.

Example OCT Cribsheet

Papilloedema advice:
Papilloedema article on use of OCT to analyse the possibility of a swollen disc.

This section includes educational material that has previously been presented at Essex LOC CET events. You will not be able to claim CET points from it but you may find the information helpful.

Contact Lens Solutions and other Pharmaceutical Products: Kim Devlin – CL sols and other pharmaceutical products